10 december 2024
August 1, 2024: The European Union’s Artificial Intelligence Act (EU AI Act—Regulation EU 2024/1689) entered into force.
The EU MDR and the EU IVDR currently regulate medical devices and IVD, which require dedicated compliance standards.
The EU’s AI Act introduces new layers of complexity for the medical device industry: AI systems medical devices are classified as “high-risk,” which is the highest risk classification even if the medical device falls in Class I (MDR) or Class A (IVDR). This means that risk management is crucial to handling correctly the entire lifecycle of digital healthcare products.
AI Act sets specific obligations for companies providing high-risk systems (Art.16), such as:
Many of these align closely with the conformity assessment procedures already in place under MDR and IVDR handled by Notified Bodies; however, the precise requirements for this combined assessment process have yet to be defined. This means that no Notified Body can currently perform assessments under the AI Act.
Some of the rules included in the EU AI Act are close to the MDR/IVDR. However some will be linked explicitly to AI technology, such as:
ProductLife Group aims to support patient access to safe and effective healthcare solutions by delivering worldwide consulting and outsourcing services throughout the entire product life. Combining local expertise with a global reach spanning more than 150 countries, PLG is the Life Sciences Industries reference strategic partner for the development, market introduction, and life cycle management of product portfolios and related business and digital transformation. With a goal of continuously improving the value delivered to teams and clients, PLG is committed to long-term partnership, innovation, flexibility, and cost efficiency.
Contact us to guide you through EU AI Act requirements.
Arianna Dalla Ba
Medical Device Manager
ProductLife Group
Dr. Gabriele Breda
PhD, Research and Innovation Director
ProductLife Group
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